Temporary Bonded Warehouse

Our Balıkesir Facility, being in the “Temporary Storage Area” status, does not require a Warehouse Declaration. Since a Warehouse Declaration is not required, you do not incur costs such as Customs Brokerage service fees, Stamp Tax, Seals, Travel expenses, Guarantees, etc. In partial shipments, you do not have to wait for other companies to submit their Warehouse Declaration. As we are in the Temporary Storage Area status, the discharge of your goods is carried out as quickly as possible, and you can directly start your import processes.

Our facility is located in the Balıkesir Organized Industrial Zone and is the closest storage area to the Balıkesir Customs Directorate, providing operational convenience for official procedures. You can store your mixed cargos in one location. Forklift services are provided for all loads, and loading-unloading movements are recorded. Palletizing and stretching services are provided for your bulk and loose products. All storage stages are reported to you via email through automatic job tracking reports or can be integrated with your systems upon request.

9,000 m² | Total Gross Area

  • 5 Entry, 4 Exit automatic ramps
  • Industrial inspection area for palletized products
  • Easy and secure product tracking with RFID-supported handheld terminals
  • 24-hour camera control with motion detection and night vision features
  • Advanced fire control and extinguishing systems