Food Safety Policy

Our company, which provides production, import, export, storage, evacuation, transport and protection services;

To determine the objectives for the sustainability and continuous improvement of the food safety management system, to provide the necessary support and resources to the organisation in order to achieve these objectives,

To always provide high quality service to meet the needs and expectations of its customers during and after production,

To continue its activities in accordance with national and international legal requirements and ISO 14001 Environmental Management System and ISO 9001 Quality Management System standard requirements in order to provide reliable products and services in accordance with the legal requirements of the food sector,

To increase the awareness, consciousness and competence of all its employees, suppliers and subcontractors regarding the food safety management system in order to eliminate food safety risks,

To create a corporate culture based on cooperation with our business partners, feedback and suggestions, open to continuous improvement, and attaching importance to internal and external communication

we’re committed.