
a large container ship with a map of the world

The human resources management approach in EkinAta Group companies includes proactively responding to the specific needs of different sectors in which business is conducted, as well as the creation of approaches and practices that will support strategic goals and performance.

In the Group, which consists of companies in different sectors and with different structures, human resources policies are determined in a way to provide flexibility for the specific conditions and needs of the companies. The main purpose in the formation of these policies is to determine the basic understanding on which EkinAta Group’s practices and priorities for the management of human resources are based.

Recruiting qualified labour force to the Community

Human Resources Management;

  • To be the employer preferred by qualified workforce,
  • To select and recruit the workforce with the most suitable qualifications, possessing the corporate values of EkinAta Group, that will carry the community into the future,
  • Aiming to meet the future workforce needs of the Community with a global perspective and proactive approach in selection and recruitment.

Çalışanların Gelişimine Yatırım Yapma

  • To create an environment and opportunities for continuous development and realization of employees' potential,
  • To ensure that managers regularly monitor employee performance by creating a culture where they take responsibility for employee development and support open communication related to this,
  • To guide the development of employees with the aim of forming a pool of qualified, successful, global workforce and leaders.

This is the main responsibility of Human Resources.

Organizasyonu Geliştirme ve Güçlendirme

  • To continuously review and structure the organization, human resources, systems, and processes to ensure the sustainability of the community's success and align them with needs,
  • To monitor the performance of high-potential employees and evaluate them according to the current and future needs of the community,
  • To increase intra-community assignments, transfers, and rotation practices for the development of employees and the organization.

This is a priority of Human Resources.

Meet EkinAta Group

Professional Service,